River City Stories

Monday, June 05, 2006

Where Have I Been?

Well it isn't that unusual for me to go 2 weeks or so without updating my blog, but this time it was actually intentional. That may seem odd at first, but for the first time in quite a while, I was on vacation! Yes, a bonafide vacation - no school, no work. And to make it even better - I did absolutely nothing over the past week. I slept in late, sat outside, read some FUN books, and caught up on watching some movies. It was awesome - I hadn't simply relaxed that much in quite some time. As many of you know, relaxation can be somewhat challenging for me, but I was really able to take advantage of this time off for once. In addition to my lack of activity, I was able to travel to Charlotte to visit some good friends for a few days as well.

So the vacation was nice, but now it's off to work. Tomorrow, I start my residency, which for those of you who don't know, is a full time job that is affiliated with my graduate program. I'm pretty excited because I'm starting at a whole new office and I'll be doing many new things that I haven't experienced at the hospital over the past year. It should be a good experience.

On a side note - there have been a lot of things that have happened over the past two weeks, but I'll touch on some of those in later posts.


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