River City Stories

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Spending a Friday Night at Home

I spent this Friday night in my apartment working on some school work. Yes - I am that lame. I have a presentation on Monday, another one on Tuesday, a problem set due on Wednesday, and then I start studying for finals. Needless to say, I am really busy! The end of the semester is getting much closer and I'll be happy to rest up throughout the summer.

I got some more CDs today:

  • Norah Jones: Come Away With Me

  • Caedmon's Call: Long Line of Leavers

  • Jeremy Camp: Restored

  • MercyMe: Undone

I haven't gotten to listen to them all yet, but I know a lot of the songs on the CDs, so it shouldn't be anything too surprising. I think my CD acquisition phase is going to cease for a while. My birthday is coming up, so maybe I'll get some movies to balance it out.

In tech news, Apple released Tiger (OS 10.4) today. We got our copies at work, so this weekend I'm going to install it and see what all the new features do.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

2 days in a row...

So I managed to blog two days in a row. Looking at my calendar, I'm not sure how long this is going to last. I have a ton of stuff to do for school. It's certainly going to be a race to the finish.

Speaking of racing, I thought I'd report that I ran my first 10k this month. It went pretty well and I beat my expectation by running it in under an hour. I won't say that I'm "hooked" yet, but I am looking for some more races to run in this year and thinking that I might run a half marathon by next year. We'll see how long I stay motivated to do that. Oh, and for all of you who are trying to picture me running in the midst of your laughter, here you go:

So I joined BMG Music this year and have gotten a ton of CDs so far. I just received my latest shipment today. While I have 4 more CDs on their way (backordered or something), I got:

  • Good Charlotte: The Chronicles of Life and Death

  • The Killers: Hot Fuss

  • Keane: Hopes and Fears

  • Casting Crowns: Casting Crowns

  • Yellowcard: Ocean Avenue

While I'm still listening to all of the songs, I have to say that I was really surprised by Keane. I'd only heard like two songs, but I really like the entire CD. The rest of them are just as good, but I already know most of their songs so I wasn't as excited.

Oh, and back to the running thing once again. I'm not sure if you've heard about the new adidas_1 shoes, but they are running shoes that have a computer chip in them which automatically adjusts the cushioning to your running conditions. I'm not sure how much they'd help me, but I'd love to try out a pair. Unfortunately they are $250, so I'll be waiting quite a while I'd guess. Here's a picture:

Well, I wanted to be in bed by 11:30 PM tonight. It is now 11:35, so I've missed my target - almost exclusively because I decided to blog. See everyone, I'm sacrificing for YOU!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Still Alive, but barely

Hello world,

I was reminded by three people today that I've been delinquent in updating my blog. So, here I am, apologizing to you all. I'm sure your lives were negatively impacted by my lack of a blog - some of you may have been fretting with worry that something had happened to me. To all of you, I offer my sincerest apologies. :-)

Seriously though, I've just been very busy. The end of the semester is coming up in two weeks now and I just finished a huge project at work last week. There hasn't been anything really significant to report, as I've pretty much been resigned to being either at school, at work, or at home doing school work. Grad school is pretty intense - especially at the end of the semester when all your projects are due.

Some good news to report is that I should do fairly well academically again this semester, so I am happy about that. The hospital also seems very pleased with the work I did on my last project and are looking to find something more permenant for me.

And for the fun stuff: The Apprentice is down the final 4. It should be very interesting. I'm hoping that it comes down to Tana and Alex. Craig should have been fired a couple of episodes ago, but he's just gotten lucky because his team keeps winning (no thanks to him). I think Tana is really the only one that has consistently performed well and if I was betting money, I'd put it on her to win it all (especially since the last two winners were male). So, I guess we'll see!