River City Stories

Sunday, March 19, 2006

One Week til Chicago

A week from today, I'm flying out of Richmond to spend 4 days in Chicago. I'll be attending the annual ACHE Congress on Healthcare Leadership. It should be a good conference and I really enjoyed myself when I went last year. It'll be a great time to learn some new things, enjoy the city, and meet up with friends I met last year (including some that I saw recently at HIMSS). Of course, going away for a week means that I'll have to get some work done this week so I'm not really behind when I get back. It shouldn't be too bad since there isn't a lot going on with school at the moment.

This past week was much busier than I could have imagined. Work was pretty intense this week, which is bittersweet: on one hand, I get exposed to a lot of operational issues and have a chance to get involved in what's going on at the hospital; on the other, I was really tired and didn't get much time to "just rest." Oh well, this will be my life for the next few years, so I should get used to it.

I'm continuing to enjoy my new Jeep. I even got to drive over some curbs this past week! BTW, Chris - you overshot the mileage estimate (you actually overshot by almost exactly one week). Last week I had 1225 miles on the Jeep. When I got home this evening, it was up to 1532.

Friday, March 10, 2006

A Bonus Trivia Question

So on Saturday, I will have had my Jeep for exactly 14 days. Anyone want to guess how many miles it has on it now? It had exactly 20 miles on it when I drove it off the lot.

If Only My Spring Break was a Break

It has been a long two weeks. In the past 14 days I have bought a car, made a roundtrip visit to New Jersey in 30 hours for an uncle's funeral, celebrated my nephew's 6th birthday, traveled to and from Norfolk for a class, wrote two extensive law briefs for class, studied for and took an exam, worked approximately 60 hours between two jobs, went to church 3 times (twice last weekend), and I still have a large group project that is due on Monday. My guess would be that I've averaged less than 6 hours of sleep per night during this timeframe - so you can guess that I'm tired.

It seems like a perfect time for spring break, right? Well - I would agree with you. However, my spring break will not be spent on some sunny beach. It'll be spent sitting in my office at the hospital knocking out a lot of work. I know it seems lame, but I need to get caught up at work and it's not like I couldn't use the money now that I have these car payments.

I do hope that I get some rest over this next week. Hopefully by working at the hospital all week, my evenings will come earlier and there will be less to do at night. I'm not holding my breath.