River City Stories

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

MISSING: Chip Ellis

The son of one of my boss' family friends has gone missing from the Midlothian area. I wanted to help get the news around, so thus the focus of this entry. You may have seen the story on the Richmond-area news stations, but just in case, here is the info you need to know:

Chip was last seen at the Midlothian Public Library on Monday, May 22nd around 8:45 PM. He was last seen in a bronze 2005 Nissan Sentra, VA License Plate JZP-1562. He is 18 years old, approximately 5' 11", and 130 pounds. If you have any information that could be helpful, please contact the Chesterfield County Police Department at (804) 356-9622.

In addition, if you could help get the word out, that would be great. I have a flyer I can send you if you'd like one.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Vote Like Yamin It...

If you live anywhere near Richmond, you know that Elliot Yamin, one of the final 3 American Idol contestants returned home for a day. It was pretty crazy, actually. He started with a television interview at 6:45 AM, did a small concert around noon (which close to 5,000 people attended), and made an appearance at the Richmond Braves game. Before the game, however, there was a parade down the Boulevard. Since it was right by my apartment, I ventured out to take a look at what was going on. I'm sure you won't believe me, but Elliot Yamin's motorcade was larger than what the President of the United States travels in. Oh well, it may be over-the-top, but I'm glad to see the city excited about something.

Does art imitate life or does.... oh, who cares

This is probably a bit random, but I wonder if everyone has one actor or actress that he/she "relates" to in most of the characters that the person plays.  The only reason I pose the question is that I feel that just about every character that Topher Grace plays has a strong correlation with my own life.  Maybe it is just that I notice the similarities more in his movies and that they exist in others.  Anyway, I won't go into all the details about why I think Topher is my on-screen double, but I wanted to share the thought.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I'm Done!

Well, it's official.  I am completely finished with my classes.  I had one take-home final, which was turned in slightly before 5 PM today.  So now, it's off to work for a few weeks, which will be followed by a nice vacation, and then I start my residency the first week in June.

The next few weeks will be spent getting some R&R and spending time with good friends who are about to move away.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Classes Coming to an End

I'm sitting in my 3rd to last class right now and I'm just thinking about how odd it will be come tomorrow when I'm finished with formal classes for good.  I've been in school for so long - 19 years straight if anyone is counting - that it is going to be pretty odd not to have to be going to a classroom each day.

Eventhough it's a bit scary - I'm beginning to feel that I'm ready to step out of academia.  I've been spending considerable more time at work anyway recently, and I can see how I'm really ready to make a transition from "school life" to "real life".  Of course, my situation is a little different since I'm going into a residency situation, but I think this transition will be a bigger step than next year when I transition from my residency to a job.

It'll be hard to say goodbye to all of my friends.  I've made some great friends over the past 2 years and I'll miss not seeing them everyday.  Thankfully, most of them will only be within a 2-hour drive - although 2 of them will be well over 15 hour drives (tampa and denver).  I look forward to a nice trip to Denver in the winter for some good skiing and one to Tampa for some beach time. :-)