River City Stories

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"Not Too Bad"

Don't you love when you have a really good day? Today was one of those days for me. It wasn't that anything spectacular happened (or that anything catastrophic didn't happen), but I just had a good day. I'm not sure we appreciate these types of days very often. I think that unless something grand happens, we shrug off these days as "the norm." I wish I could appreciate all the good that happens in a day. Even on our bad days - I think it'd be a safe bet that on most bad days, there is probably more good that happened than bad (we just remember the bad stuff so easily).

I've been trying to change something to help out with this. When people ask me how my day is, or how my weekend was, my typical response is "not too bad." It's not that I mean I didn't have a fine weekend, it's just the language I've adopted over the years. Anyway, my boss pointed out the negativity of this statement a while back and I agreed with her point. If you've fallen prey to this phrase too, then try what I'm doing and banish it for a week. See if it makes any difference. I'll let you know how I'm doing.


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